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Tropical beach wallpaper
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Нелли Кухарь
6 years ago
замечательные обои категории Природа Студии10
Tropical beach

Immerse yourself in a stunning tropical paradise where azure waves gently kiss the sandy coastline. Towering palm trees sway softly under a vibrant, clear sky, creating an idyllic escape for nature lovers and dreamers alike. This breathtaking beach scene, surrounded by lush greenery and majestic rock formations, evokes a sense of serenity and adventure. Feel the warm sunlight on your skin as you imagine the refreshing sea breeze. Perfect for those longing for a peaceful getaway, this wallpaper captures the essence of summer and relaxation.

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 17th April 2018
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

Publisher photo
J Schori
Gender: Male · Age: Private · Country: United States
Uhd Icon 1353
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