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Emerald Lake (Yoho National Park) wallpaper
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MD Jubayer Hossain
5 years ago
Emerald Lake (Yoho National Park)

As the sunsets, the tranquil Emerald Lake in Yoho National Park, Canada becomes a mirror, reflecting the majesty of the surrounding mountains. Nestled among the evergreen trees, a cozy log cabin with warmly lit windows invites weary travelers to rest. This picture captures the essence of peace and solitude, with the calm waters and towering peaks serving as a stunning backdrop. A hint of pink and purple on the horizon suggests the day's last moments of light, while the sky transitions into the cool tones of approaching night. This enchanting Canadian landscape, with its pristine natural beauty, is a perfect wallpaper for those who long for wilderness retreats and the soothing embrace of nature.

Emerald Lake Lodge, Canada

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 31st July 2018
Dimensions: 3840x2160 (4K UltraHD)

Publisher photo
J Schori
Gender: Male · Age: Private · Country: United States
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