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Grand Canal with gondolas wallpaper
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Hernan Barbudo Restrepo
6 years ago
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Grand Canal with gondolas

As dusk settles on Venice, the historic Grand Canal glows with life, illuminated by the warm lights from the classical buildings lining its banks. Gondolas and boats gently sway on the tranquil waters, providing a picturesque scene that captures the essence of this iconic Italian city. The serene waterway, framed by the evening's soft blue sky, invites viewers to experience the blend of timeless charm and romantic ambiance that is unique to Venice. This high-resolution image encapsulates the city's beauty during the enchanting blue hour.

Grand Canal, Venice, Italy

Category: City
Uploaded: 22nd April 2018
Dimensions: 3840x2160 (4K UltraHD)

Publisher photo
J Schori
Gender: Male · Age: Private · Country: United States
Uhd Icon 1353
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