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The Cone Nebula and IC 2169 Region wallpaper
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The Cone Nebula and IC 2169 Region

This captivating image showcases the Cone Nebula and IC 2169 region, a wondrous cosmic landscape rich with star clusters, dark nebulas, and glowing gases. The Christmas Tree Cluster, part of the NGC 2264 region, twinkles amidst the interstellar cloud, highlighting an interplay of vivid reds and blues. The reflection nebula IC 447 adds a mystical glow, while the surrounding dust lends depth to this celestial masterpiece. This vibrant section of the H II region demonstrates the dynamic beauty of star formation and the vastness of our universe, a breathtaking spectacle for all space enthusiasts.

Category: Space
Uploaded: 28th August 2019
Dimensions: 3840x2160 (4K UltraHD)

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Gender: Private · Age: Private · Country: Private
Uhd Icon 2353
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