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The Black Marble 2016 (Europe, Africa & The Middle East) wallpaper
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The Black Marble 2016 (Europe, Africa & The Middle East)

This stunning wallpaper captures our planet from space, focusing on Europe, Africa, and the Middle East at night. The satellite imagery reveals the intricate web of human settlements, illuminated city lights vividly showcasing civilization's footprint. The deep blues and blacks accentuate the settled regions against the vast, dark ocean, highlighting the beauty of the globe. Perfect for enthusiasts of space photography and satellite imagery, it presents a unique perspective of Earth as a glowing marble against the cosmic void, a testament to human presence and natural beauty. Enjoy this in exceptional 4K resolution for an immersive visual experience.

Category: Space
Uploaded: 8th December 2018
Dimensions: 3840x2160 (4K UltraHD)

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Gender: Private · Age: Private · Country: Private
Uhd Icon 2353
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