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Sunrise above Detwah lagoon on the Socotra island wallpaper
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Sunrise above Detwah lagoon on the Socotra island

This breathtaking wallpaper captures the serene beauty of sunrise over Detwah Lagoon on Yemen's enchanting Socotra Island. As the day begins, the sun casts a warm glow over the pristine white sands and the turquoise waters of the coastal lagoon. This stunning scene highlights the untouched natural beauty of the region, making it an ideal backdrop for those seeking tranquility on their devices. The view provides a glimpse of the unique ecosystem, protected as a Ramsar site, celebrated for its biodiversity. Detwah Lagoon is not just a coastal haven but also a significant bird area, contributing to its status as part of a UNESCO World Heritage site. The calm sea, gentle shore, and soft sands offer a visual escape to one of the world's most remote and extraordinary locations.

Detwah lagoon, Yemen

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 20th January 2022
Dimensions: 7680x4320 (8K UltraHD)

Publisher photo
Gender: Male · Age: Private · Country: Private
Uhd Icon 702
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