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Sunny autumn forest wallpaper
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Sunny autumn forest

Step into a vibrant autumn forest bathed in warm sunlight, where shades of red and gold blanket the ground. This picturesque scene captures the essence of a sunny day in the woods, inviting you on a peaceful journey along a leaf-strewn path. Towering deciduous trees stand majestically, adorned with fiery foliage. The gentle play of light and shadow creates a serene atmosphere, perfect for nature lovers. Transform your screen with this stunning 4K wallpaper, and embrace the tranquil beauty of autumn's embrace.

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 9th April 2018
Dimensions: 3840x2160 (4K UltraHD)

Publisher photo
J Schori
Gender: Male ยท Age: Private ยท Country: United States
Uhd Icon 1353
Beautiful wallpapers from Autumn moods

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