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North Head Lighthouse in the pink sunset wallpaper
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North Head Lighthouse in the pink sunset

Bathed in the vibrant hues of a pink sunset, the North Head Lighthouse in Ilwaco, Washington, stands as a serene sentinel on the edge of the swirling Pacific Ocean. Captured in the quiet hour of dusk, the lighthouse's presence offers a calm contrast to the dynamic waves crashing against the bluff at Cape Disappointment State Park. As the sun dips towards the horizon, it casts a soft glow over the scene, highlighting the lighthouse's iconic tower and beacon. The singular charm of the North Head Light is emblematic of the tranquility and natural beauty that envelops this coastal region, making it an enchanting moment for any onlooker.

North Head Lighthouse, Ilwaco, Washington, United States

Category: Life
Uploaded: 13th February 2018
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

Publisher photo
J Schori
Gender: Male · Age: Private · Country: United States
Uhd Icon 1353
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