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Azalea and Rhododendron Park, Kromlau (Germany) wallpaper
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Eduardo Serrano Espinoza
4 years ago
Que chingo el walllpapers
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Yolanda LadyDior Ore
6 years ago
Sometimes we really need to take the time to appreciate nature. No filters or photoshop.
Azalea and Rhododendron Park, Kromlau (Germany)

This serene wallpaper captures the idyllic beauty of the Azalea and Rhododendron Park in Kromlau, Germany. The famous Rakotzbrücke, or Devil's Bridge, is perfectly reflected in the tranquil waters, creating a full circle that blends seamlessly with the lush, green surroundings. The enchanting setting is a testament to nature's beauty and the artistry of man-made structures complementing the natural world.

Azalea and Rhododendron Park, Kromlau, Gablenz, Germany

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 5th July 2016
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

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Gender: Male · Age: 20 · Country: Albania
Uhd Icon 40
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