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Terraced rice field wallpaper
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Terraced rice field

Explore the stunning terraced rice fields of Longsheng, China, where emerald-green and golden hues paint a breathtaking tapestry across the rolling hills. These meticulously carved terraces showcase the wonders of traditional agriculture, harmoniously blending with the mountainous landscape. Nestled in the highlands, this picturesque location offers a serene escape into nature's artistry. As sunlight dances across the lush paddies, the panoramic views reveal the intricate craftsmanship of generations. Perfect for nature enthusiasts, photographers, and travelers, this scene captures the essence of Asia's agrarian beauty, inviting you to immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of Longsheng’s extraordinary highland rice fields.

Longsheng county, China

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 9th April 2019
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

Publisher photo
Gender: Male · Age: 49 · Country: Ukraine
Uhd Icon 4721
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