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Snake River, Grand Teton National Park wallpaper
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Juan Cruz Godoy
4 years ago
Una fondo de pantalla que trae calma
Snake River, Grand Teton National Park

The Snake River meanders through the stunning landscape of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. As the sun descends, it casts a fiery glow that illuminates the rugged peaks of the Teton Range. This moment captures the tranquil beauty of nature where the river acts as a perfect mirror to the burning sky, while lush greenery blankets the serene wilderness, typifying the park's magnificence.

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, United States

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 11th August 2020
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

Publisher photo
Gender: Male · Age: Private · Country: Italy
Uhd Icon 648
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