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Roussanou Monastery (Meteora, Greece) wallpaper
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Fabio de B.
6 years ago
Nossa se esse luga existe só acha-lo aqui ja merece um like e outro pela visão magnifica.
Roussanou Monastery (Meteora, Greece)

Mysteriously nestled among towering rock pillars, Roussanou Monastery at Meteora in Greece appears to float on a blanket of mist. This surreal landscape creates an ethereal backdrop for the historic monastery, inviting visitors into an otherworldly realm. A breathtaking tourist attraction, it's set among rugged cliffs and dramatic escarpments, providing an awe-inspiring view of the highlands and sky. The Monastery of Roussanou stands as a testament to spiritual devotion and architectural marvel, blending seamlessly with its natural surroundings. Its hill station location in Kalambaka makes it a haven for both explorers and peace seekers, enveloped in serene terrain and steeped in history.

Monastery of Rousanou, Kalambaka, Greece

Category: Life
Uploaded: 14th March 2018
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

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Gender: Male · Age: 49 · Country: Ukraine
Uhd Icon 4721
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