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Title: Heartfelt Valentine's Day Arrangement wallpaper
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Title: Heartfelt Valentine's Day Arrangement

This beautiful romantic wallpaper exudes love with its charming elements. Two intertwined hearts, crafted in red and blue, lie next to a bouquet of fabric flowers, placed on a rustic wooden background. Wooden slices spelling I love you add an extra special touch, making this a perfect Valentine’s Day decoration. Ideal for celebrating love, this wallpaper sets the mood for a romantic day with elegance and affection. Perfect for expressing your heart’s deepest emotions.

Category: Romantic
Uploaded: 23rd August 2017
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

Publisher photo
Sa Satu
Gender: Male · Age: 22 · Country: Bangladesh
Uhd Icon 118
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× Title: Heartfelt Valentine's Day Arrangement wallpaper