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Rainbow Bridge National Monument - Sacred Navajo land in Utah wallpaper
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Rainbow Bridge National Monument - Sacred Navajo land in Utah

Rainbow Bridge located in the rugged, isolated canyons at the feet of Navajo Mountain. Rainbow Bridge has been formed by erosion of the sandstone by water flowing from Navajo Mountain towards the Colorado River. Rainbow Bridge is the largest - 234 feet (71 m) long - natural bridge in the world and is considered sacred by Navajos and more Indian Tribes. Rainbow Bridge is considered sacred by the Navajo culture as a symbol of deities responsible for creating clouds, rainbows, and rain - the essence of life in the desert. For visitors to approach and walk under the bridge from one side to the other along or just above the creek bed, and there is a well-worn path under the bridge that is regularly used. A permit from the Navajo Nation is required to backpack to Rainbow Bridge across Navajo Nation lands

Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Utah, United States

Category: Nature
Uploaded: 2nd September 2017
Dimensions: 1920x1080 (HD)

Publisher photo
J Schori
Gender: Male · Age: Private · Country: United States
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