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Mars Valles Marineris Hemisphere Enhanced wallpaper
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Mars Valles Marineris Hemisphere Enhanced

Mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective, a view similar to that which one would see from a spacecraft. The distance is 2,500 kilometers from the surface of the planet, with the scale being .6km/pixel. The mosaic is composed of 102 Viking Orbiter images of Mars. The center of the scene (lat -8, long 78) shows the entire Valles Marineris canyon system, over 2000 kilometers long and up to 8 kilometers deep, extending form Noctis Labyrinthus, the arcuate system of graben to the west, to the chaotic terrain to the east.

Category: Space
Uploaded: 18th April 2019
Dimensions: 3840x2160 (4K UltraHD)

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Gender: Private · Age: Private · Country: Private
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